As an individual, you may be looking forward to the end of winter. As a homeowner, however, you know that you need to prepare your home for the change of the season to minimize the risk of flooding, leaky pipes, and other common spring problems.
In this blog, we discuss what a reputable plumber can do to prepare your sump pump.
The purpose of a seasonal sump pump inspection is to check that all components of the pump are functioning correctly to reduce the risk of home flooding. Your plumber will perform a visual inspection and a series of tests to determine your pump’s preparedness.
Debris Removal
If the sump pump has not turned on for a significant period of time, it may have collected dust and other debris. Debris can also appear if you had a flood that moved a lot of earth during the winter.
Your plumber will use a flashlight to check for any gravel, sand, twigs, or other debris that could clog or block the pump.
Component Cleaning
Sump pumps include floats and/or switches that can easily become obstructed. During the inspection, your plumber will check for proper operation.
Pump Start Test
No matter how good your pump looks, it’s of no use to you if it doesn’t start properly. To perform a pump start test, your plumber will pour several gallons of water into the sump pump pit and observe how quickly the pump turns on and how well the pump functions.
Valve Assessment
The check valve is the valve that connects your pump to the accompanying pipework. This valve prevents water from flowing backward into the sump pump while the pump is running.
Your plumber will check that the valve settings are correct and that the valve has a sufficient seal to prevent backflow.
If you have a battery backup currently installed, your plumber may also check that the backup is in working order by shutting off power to the sump pump while performing a second pump start test.
Once your sump pump inspection is complete, your plumber may recommend making some changes to ensure that your pump can handle an adequate volume of water. In the spring, you may see particularly high water levels due to a combination of snow runoff and seasonal precipitation.
In addition to the steps recommended by your plumber, contact your homeowner’s insurance company if your area is expected to see heavy rainfall. Flood damage is rarely covered by standard homeowner’s insurance, so you may need to supplement your coverage to ensure that you can repair any potential damage spring may bring.
Don’t wait for spring showers to find out if your sump pump is running properly. Schedule a sump pump assessment from Jim Dhamer Plumbing and Sewer, Inc. today.
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